The Writer’s Starter Kit You Didn’t Know You Needed
Begin your Book with a Bang!
Do you want to write a book, but you’re stumped at the start?
If you’re darned if you know how to get your book off the ground, then the Writer's Starter Kit - a short, self-led, online program - gives you the tools you need to begin your book with a bang!
One of the most common problems writers tell me is not knowing how to start their book
So, I created this program to overcome that obstacle.
I’ve been helping writers with their books since the early 2000s, so I know how common it is to get stuck at the starting line.
And … I’m a writer myself! So, the first writer I solved this problem for was me!
There are seven modules included in the Writer's Starter Kit. Each contains easy-to-follow documents and a book template. Easy! I even include instructions on how to fill out and work with the template.
I wanted to make this as accessible as possible for you … so that you will start your book with a bang in no time!
7 self-led modules, jam-packed with content to get your book started!
check out the module content
Module 1
Time management
You may think ‘I don’t need this!’—but believe me, time management and scheduling your writing sessions is the foundation of your writing success.
I’ve helped all sorts of people from all walks of life get their books written.
These include busy entrepreneurs, solo parents who work full time, and people with demanding jobs.
You’d think that busy entrepreneurs would have time management down to a fine art.
What often happens, though, is they’re highly creative people who flit from one brightly coloured object to the next, and unless they rigorously and religiously schedule in regular writing sessions, their book soon loses its shiny appeal and they’re on to the next challenge … their book remaining unwritten.
I wanted to make this as easy and accessible as possible for you … so that you will start your book with a bang in no time!
This little document is worth its weight in gold. It will get you from zero to lift-off in minutes. Are you writing a fiction or a nonfiction book?
A template is included for both, so just choose the one relevant to you and start populating it now!
Module 2
Book template
Module 3
Daily Writing Routine
This module gives you practical guidelines and tips for getting your writing routine down pat.
Your target audience are the people who are going to buy your book. You want to sell your book, right?
So, it makes sense to put a little time into understanding who your target audience is.
To know your target audience, you also need to know your book, so the module includes a simple exercise to guide you in crystallising your book purpose and topic.
Module 4
Define target audience
Module 5
How to Structure Your Book
Just as a building needs strong foundations, and a human body needs a skeleton to support muscle and flesh, a book needs a structure before the writing can flow.
Whether you’re writing a fiction or a nonfiction book, this module includes separate guidelines for each.
You’ll learn how to set your book out, getting your topics clear in your mind—and importantly, on paper/computer. It even comes with an example to help you organise your own book.
There’s a brief refresher on sentence structure in this module.
Then, by means of an example, you’ll go through and build a chapter outline for your book, then plan a chapter.
You’ll be able to apply the same process to each chapter in your book.
Module 6
Organise, plan and write a chapter
Module 7
Write a Compelling Introduction
Choose from several ideas for writing a powerful hook for your fiction book.
If you’re writing nonfiction, your introduction needs to tell your reader what’s in it for them.
We also give you some dos and don’ts to get your perfect start, and how to cap off your introduction.
I want this now!
How do I get this amazing program?
As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive an email giving you access to all the content.
Then, just work through it at your own pace. Straightaway, you’ll be propelled out of the I-don’t-know-where-to-start issue and into your exciting book writing journey.
How much is this amazing program going to cost me?
This program is designed for aspiring writers who need help getting started on their book.
If you answer ‘yes’ to these questions, then The Writer’s Starter Kit You Didn’t Know You Needed: Begin your Book with a Bang! is just the ticket for you.
You just don’t know how to start your book?
You don’t know where to start—beginning or end or middle?
You need a template set up for you so that you can start typing in your content straightaway?
Who is the program not for?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then The Writer’s Starter Kit You Didn’t Know You Needed: Begin your Book with a Bang! won’t be right for you.
You have no problem starting your book?
You’ve already started your book and you’re happy with what you’ve written so far?
You’re already working with a book template?
No, I don’t need help starting my book, but I need help in other areas.
You receive seven modules of content, as described in the list above. The content includes information PDFs, a book template, and a PowerPoint presentation in Module One.
What if I want more than what’s included in this program?
If you want further support after starting your book with The Writer’s Starter Kit, take a look at our other programs
How long will it take me to get through this program?
It’s entirely up to you, as it is self-led and you do it at your own pace.
Realistically, you could complete the seven modules in one sitting, and then revisit individual modules as you get to that point in your book planning.
Or, you could do one module at a time if that works best for you.
How do I enrol?
Just fill in the sign-up form by clicking on the button below, and you can get started straightaway!
Do you give refunds?
No, my friend. If you have any questions about the program, then before signing up please email us and ask.
I have a question
Perfect! Just email me and I'll get back to you asap.
"You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children"—Madeleine L'Engle
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