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By committing to Get Your Book to the Finish Line Group Mastery, you'll have a first draft of your book sooner than you thought possible.
You'll receive 12 weeks of coaching.
The quality of your content will be mind-blowing.
You'll have access to my 'little black book' of reputable referral partners.
You'll receive a VIP Mastery discount on editorial services.
Come on the journey with me and Get Your Book to the Finish Line™!
Get your book to the finish line™! Group Mastery
This program is suited to writers committed to writing a book of up to 50,000 words (around 100 pages). Whether you're a business owner and you want your book as leverage for your business, a nonfiction writer, or a writer of fiction, Get Your Book To The Finish Line™ is just the course for you! Working with a master book-writing coach, in both group and 1:1 sessions, you have the accountability lacking when trying to write on your own, along with your own professional sounding board and expert feedback on your writing.
Who is this Group Mastery program for?
Coaches, Consultants & Entrepreneurs
You may be a coach, consultant, business owner or career entrepreneur who wants to position yourself as an expert in your field.
Self-Help Authors
You may want to write a self-help book to get your message to a wider audience and choose either nonfiction or fiction as your vehicle to do so.
Memoir/Life story
You want to write your memoir or life story to leave a legacy for your family.
You need accountability to get your book to the finish line.
Commit Time To Invest
You are prepared to make a commitment in both time and investment to write your book.
Testimonials from Get Your Book To The Finish Line
Working with Gail to write my book was the best decision I could have made. Initially I was very dubious as to how someone could understand my vision let alone help with such a personal project, but Gail amazed me. She is worth every cent and I highly recommend her and the ‘Get Your Book to the Finish Line Group Mastery’ program.
Prior to working with Gail my head was full of the story, but I kept drawing a frustrating blank as to how to write it all in a way that not only told my whole complex story, but that flowed for the reader.
What I appreciated most about the program was Gail’s innate ability to identify what I needed at any given stage of development. Some weeks I would be feeling hopeless but Gail unhesitatingly unjumbled both my written and spoken words, straightening them out in a logically transparent process, for me to begin work again with vigour, renewed by all the encouragement and support I needed to move forward.
While I have always felt the burning passion within me to write a book, Gail was the one who not only helped me pull it all together but who also did it in a way that was far better than I could ever have imagined. With her constant guidance, unwavering discipline, and fluid approach, I have managed to explore deep into the hidden recesses of my brain, turning my idea into something tangible I can be proud of. I believe, together with Gail, that I have created my own true 'masterpiece'.
Kaye Livingstone
I cannot believe how much writing my story has helped me deal with and heal my past. This is massive!
It helps me every day as I use the past to influence my present. Thank you for being such a perfect coach, giving me a hard time when I need it, and steering me in the right direction all the time.
Thank you so much Gail!
Writing this book is the most important thing I have ever done.
Dale L.
'The session with you is the highlight of my week!'
Clare F.
I would never even have started my book without the program! It’s definitely doable to achieve the first draft of your book in 12 weeks by writing 500—1,000 words a day. The writing exercises, including those on free association and working on our chapter outlines, were great. Get Your Book to the Finish Line™ is a no-hype, all-action practical program with an experienced, knowledgeable, professional writing coach and editor. This makes the otherwise daunting process of writing a book simple, practical, and achievable. It is not just about writing a book, but writing a quality book that people want to read—Nik of SmashGo
Nik Cree
Nik is a digital marketer and online business strategist, assisting businesses with their digital transformation
My Five-Step System to Plan and Structure Your 10-Chapter Book in Just 30 Minutes
Whether you are successful or not in your application to this book coaching program, you'll receive my free framework for your book.
12 weeks group coaching and support via Zoom
12 weeks of module content, templates & writing strategies
11 weeks of hands-on writing sprints
Fortnightly 1:1 coaching via Zoom
Little Black Book of referral partners
PLUS exclusive VIP Mastery discount on editorial services within 6 months of program completion
At the end of 12 weeks - a quality product in your hands!
Your book will have QUALITY CONTENT because of the focus of the program on QUALITY. With your reputation at stake, the value of having a book that reads impeccably and looks attractive is incalculable.
During the group mastery program, you are respected as unique, as is your author's voice and how you want your book to look and feel. You want your book to reflect you!
You receive access to my 'little black book' of reputable referral partners, invaluable once your book is completed. These include tried and tested book designers, marketing and promotion experts, audiobook production experts ... and more, to convert your book into the perfect package!
Gail Tagarro is a book writing coach and Accredited Editor. She has a degree in news journalism and a Master of Arts in Linguistics. She has a background in journalism, corporate business analysis and documentation management, editing books of all genres, and coaching.
Gail is an author herself, having written an historical novel, a self-help nonfiction book on writing technique, and countless corporate procedures and IT documentation.
She has been working with other writers since the early 2000s, helping them with book coaching, professional editing, manuscript appraisals and publishing know-how.
Common Questions People Ask
Is your program restricted to any particular genre?
No. I teach all genres, fiction and nonfiction. Novels, business books, memoirs ... whatever you want to throw at me! Writing poetry books is the only exception.
What if I don't have the time?
You show the commitment, I'll show you ways to fit writing into your busy lifestyle.
What if I've never written a book before?
That's exactly what a book coach does: teach you the skills to write a book.
What's different about your book coaching program?
The price. People are paying upwards of $30,000 for 'all-inclusive' book coaching packages'
The quality of content. With my editorial background rather than a sales background, I am all about the quality of your book content
One of a kind. You are unique, so is your author's voice and how you want your book to look and feel. I respect that and work with you to produce a product you'll be ecstatic with
VIP discount for editorial services. As a participant in the program, you receive exclusive discounts
Access to my 'little black book' of reputable referral partners.
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