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Do I really need a professional book editor to edit my manuscript?
Even great and previously published authors need to have their work professionally edited.
Editing goes beyond correcting spelling, grammar and punctuation. A professional editor will pick up common writing mistakes and inconsistencies in your writing that you don’t notice. A good editor does basic research as they’re editing. We’ll mend your sentence structure and help with your technique. We use 'track changes' and comments as we're editing the manuscript, so that the changes we make and the reasons why will be transparent to you. In all our communications with you, we will be clear about what we're doing and why.
Two Types of Professional Editing
There are two main types of editing, copy editing and structural editing.
Copy editing checks for technical inaccuracies in your manuscript such as spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typographical errors. A copy edit suits authors who want their manuscript to be error-free and ‘clean’, but who want minimal editorial input into the style and structure of their manuscript.
What does a copy edit include?
Our professional book editor will correct all errors such as those described above. They will also work on improving obvious errors in sentence structure, and amend any glaring errors of fact, such as the spelling of the names of well-known public figures.
What doesn't a copy edit include?
For a copy edit, our professional book editor does not restructure or reorder your manuscript, or address any of the aspects of your writing that a structural edit provides (see Structural Editing). Our professional book editor will edit the revised draft of your manuscript, but this will be addressed as part of a project renewal.
At editors4you, our structural editing, also known as substantive editing, incorporates a copy edit (see above). A structural edit is a thorough and in-depth edit of your manuscript.
What does a structural edit include?
Correcting sentence structure and sentence order to improve the clarity and flow of your writing. Removing repetitive or superfluous wording. Offering comments on the style features of your writing, such as, 'show don't tell'. Checking for continuing reader engagement in the story. Suggesting where and how your manuscript could benefit from further development, if applicable. Addressing any inconsistencies - in plot, characterisation, narrative or dialogue (fiction), or in the soundness of your thesis (non-fiction), which interfere with the flow of your writing or distract the reader from the storytelling or the thesis of your book. We do basic internet research to ensure accuracy of facts or names, or indicate where you may need to do so. After the first edit and once you have completed your revisions, we may undertake a second edit.
What doesn't a structural edit include?
For a structural edit, the editor will not do extensive fact checking on your manuscript, undertake comprehensive research, edit revisions made after the second edit (this can be done as a new project), or obtain copyright permissions. We do not interfere with your author’s voice – because that is what makes your writing unique.
How will I know what type of edit I need?
Easy! Email us your manuscript. We will do a complimentary sample edit, suggest what type of edit is most relevant to your book, and give you an approximate turnaround time based on your needs and our current commitments.
How long will it take to edit my manuscript?
For books and manuscripts up to 100,000 words, our professional book editor will generally complete the manuscript edit in 20 to 30 business days. This is 'ballpark', and depends on current commitments. If you need urgent turnaround, please let us know when you contact us. Manuscripts exceeding 100,000 words may need more editing time. We will tell you before commencing the edit.
How much does a book edit cost?
Our quotations are tailored to your work. Fill out the enquiry form below, including the word count, and attach your manuscript so that we can get back to you with a personalised quote. We do not do widget or automatic pricing. The amount depends on the total word count, how much work is involved, and whether a copy edit or a structural edit is required. We offer a complimentary sample edit on several pages of your work. This is helpful to you because:
You get a feel for the type of feedback you would receive in the full edit
We can better assess the service most suited to your manuscript
The estimate is tailored to your individual writing.
A common complaint of publishers and professional writing groups is that many authors do not have their manuscripts up to standard before publishing. We want to make sure your book is up to standard and professionally presented, whether you opt for traditional publishing or self-publishing. Stand out from the crowd! Send us an enquiry using the form below and tell us about your book.
Tell us more about your book and we'll let you know how we can help
Enquiry Form
Please complete this form and we will be in touch shortly.
How to Format your Manuscript Correctly (and save $$ on editing!)
Your book needs to be professionally presented and set out in a standard way – whether you're submitting your book to a publisher/agent, or to a book designer if you're self-publishing. Your editor of course can do this formatting for you, but if you follow this FREE guide, you will save $$ on editing fees!
"*" indicates required fields
Client Testimonials
Sarah M.M. Turner, Rhiannon McBride and the Dragon's Cup (YA novel)
They say every book needs a brilliant editor. You will find just such an editor in Gail Tagarro!
I was truly blessed to discover Gail when seeking an Accredited Editor for my first book. With her warm personality, professional attitude, outstanding literacy skills, and extensive knowledge and experience in the publishing world, she is definitely a priceless jewel among editors.
Gail’s editorial skills are superb. She skilfully polished my manuscript to a clean finish. I would have been lost without her expert guidance.
Gail makes it a top priority to help her clients tell the story they want to tell. I will be forever grateful to her for being an editor I can trust and for becoming a very good friend.
Her prices are affordable and she is prompt in her communication.
If you’re in need of an honest, reliable and professional editor, I highly recommend Gail. Trust me, she definitely deserves each of the 5 out of 5 stars I give her!
Amanda Smith, A Brief Detour Through Breast Cancer (Memoir/Self-help)
Having decided that I wanted to engage a professional editor for my manuscript, finding one who felt right wasn’t an easy task. My internet searches found lots of young, fresh faces, but due to the nature of my story, I wanted someone with a bit more life experience as well as all the right qualifications.
I was delighted to find Gail at editors4you, who was extremely generous with her time in answering my many questions. Her free quote, advice on the level of edit required and complimentary sample edit were invaluable.
Gail’s communication throughout the process was excellent, and I found her comments and suggestions extremely helpful. I’m delighted with the result and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Gail and editors4you.
Adalina Mae, author of Nothing is Predictable, on her as-yet-unpublished latest novel (Historical fiction)
The story is beautifully written now thanks to you. I knew you were the perfect editor for my latest novel. I like that you understood the cultural dialogue without changing it. You kept the soul of it. Thank you. I couldn't have achieved delivering this story without your help and punctuality. You are amazing Gail and your work is remarkable. Thank you so much.
Kaaren Sutcliffe, author and Accredited Editor, Undercover Mage (Fantasy romance)
It was a pleasure to have my fantasy / romance novel edited by Gail Tagarro, an Accredited Editor. She was encouraging and supportive of the story and my writing, and kept me informed of her progress with the edit. The edits Gail suggested were excellent, resulting in a beautifully polished novel, and as a bonus Gail helped me to unravel a couple of niggling plot wrinkles.
I am thrilled with the result, and am looking forward to working with Gail on the second book in the series. I highly recommend Gail as a personable and quality editor.
Mimi Wellisch, Once Upon a Love (Memoir)
I found Gail Tagarro of editors4you through a Google search. I was looking for a professional editor who was not only excellent at English and who would fearlessly make suggestions for changes and edit what was needed, but who was also empathetic towards my memoir, which is very close to my heart. Gail and I had a Zoom call and I decided that she was that person. Gail's eagle-eyed edit has given me the confidence I need to have my book published—without the embarrassment of grammatical or other errors that I might have missed. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Gail’s services. You have to be able to trust your editor and Gail is responsive, reliable, and exacting, as well as personable and honest. Here's a link to Mimi's beautiful love story:
Ken Reid, Floyd (Crime thriller)
Having invested fifteen months in producing my manuscript, there was no question that the next step had to be getting my novel as good as it could possibly be...before I could even consider taking the next step of approaching agents or publishers.
Gail of editors4you provided practical structural editing, an amazing amount of fact-checking, sensible suggestions for improvements, a lot of error checking, and the overall expertise to help me produce the best-quality product possible.
Russell Morgan, Celestine (Fiction)
A huge part of the enjoyment of completing my novel, Celestine, was working with Gail whose marvellous insight and professional skill opened doors and lifted the experience to new heights. It was a wonderful journey in which I had no doubt Gail was as committed to my precious manuscript as I was. I'm sure I have learned so much from working with Gail that it will enrich all my future writing projects. I could not imagine working with any other editor.
Dan Collins, Olympic Medallist, Speaker, Mentor and Coach, E-F-F-O-R-T: Everything Matters—Mastering the Mental Frameworks for a Meaningful Life (Nonfiction/Business)
Writing a book is no small undertaking. To have the editing support to bring the book up to publishing standards was very comforting. Gail's professional approach was also to the very highest of standards, along with her honest feedback and assessment of my work, enabling me with confidence to close out the final stages of my book and move towards publishing.
Gail's attention to detail, adherence to timeframes and deadlines, and being upfront and clear about the investment required to work with her were very reassuring.
Madonna Chave, Quit Work to Travel Australia (Nonfiction/Travel)
I highly recommend editors4you. Being a beginner I’ve learnt a lot from Gail by following her guidance. She is an excellent editor providing clear, practical advice and corrections to my book. Her thorough reviews gave the book a professional touch. Gail is very supportive during the process providing quick responses and explaining every step along the way. She even found a photo editor for the images in my book.
Maria Armendariz, My Tenant Depression (Nonfiction/Self-help)
Thank you Gail for your professional and friendly manner. I have nothing but praise for you and your work. This is my first experience in writing a book and you have made it such a positive one! I have truly learnt so much from you. You are so knowledgeable, professional, reliable and nurturing.
Thank you, I felt supported by you throughout the whole process. I hope we get to work together again in the future!
Don Horsfall, The Empyrean Quest (Visionary fiction)
I have recently completed my first fiction novel, The Empyrean Quest, and after much research, I chose Gail Tagarro to do the editing. Following a very helpful and focused first contact over the phone, I knew Gail was the right person to guide me as a first-time author.
My expectations were far exceeded over the following months as my rough manuscript evolved into a polished book ready for publishing. Her exceptional skills have been honed over a long career devoted to the written word. I found her respectful of my storyline, providing honest, professional advice. Her nurturing style helped me to learn a great deal about the writing process as we, together, created the book I had always envisaged. I am forever grateful for her guidance and look forward to working with her again in the future.
You can download Don's excellent and very readable book by clicking here: The Empyrean Quest
Debbie Peden, 100 Ways to a Healthy 100 (Nonfiction/Self-help/Health)
Gail Tagarro is a brilliant editor. She managed to take my somewhat messy manuscript and turn it into something readable and magnificent, akin to creating a silk purse from a sow’s ear. Her patience, insights, attention to detail, and shrewd overview combined beautifully to bring to life and polish my writer’s dream.
Adalina Mae, Nothing is Predictable (Nonfiction/Autobiography)
Gail’s dedication to my project was phenomenal. She was always on time with deadlines. Her editing technique kept the essence of my style and made my story flow beautifully. The attention to detail was amazing. Her suggestions in some areas, particularly with show don’t tell, helped me improve my style of writing. I will definitely be working with her on my next project. Love your work, Gail!—You can find Adalina's book at Adalina Mae shop
Lynne Roberts, Viola People (Contemporary women’s fiction)
My novel flows much better thanks to Gail’s meticulous attention to detail. In addition to editing, Gail also made many useful suggestions, which strengthened my novel. I’m delighted with the results! Gail is everything you could want in an editor—she’s friendly, helpful, efficient and highly professional. I’m so glad that I approached her to edit my novel. Thanks Gail!
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6 thoughts on “Book Editing Australia – Accredited Editor”
I would like to obtain a cost estimate for editing my approximately 70000 word novel as well as receive a sample edit. Can you please provide me with the details on how to go about that?
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Hi I’m looking for a book editor can you help?
Sure can. I will email you directly.
I would like to obtain a cost estimate for editing my approximately 70000 word novel as well as receive a sample edit. Can you please provide me with the details on how to go about that?
Hi Jacqueline, Sure can. I have emailed you directly so please check your emails.
Hi Gail,
I have written an historical fiction of around 25,000 words and would like an appraisal. Can you give me a costing?
Hi Ian, I’ll send you an email directly. Cheers, Gail