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Want to Write a Book But Don’t Know How to Start?
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Scaffolding for Scribes
Wanting to write your book but no idea where to start? Download the FREE missing link here. The book template you didn't know you needed plus everything you need to know about how to use it.
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The Book Writing Coach
Having trained as a journalist gives me an edge as a book coach—I know the right questions to ask and I know what makes good writing.
I'm also a writer myself, a published author, so I know the challenges you're facing.
I've been a small business owner for 35 years and have also worked for both corporates and small businesses in roles as diverse as project management, corporate librarian, and documentation specialist.
I can support you in writing your nonfiction OR fiction book. Over the past 20 years as a professional book writing coach and professional editor, I've supported writers with most genres, from speculative fiction to self-help and business books.
No matter your background, the reason you want to write a book, or the type of book you want to write, I'm here to support your writing journey.
While many book writing coaches specialise in government, business, academic, or other nonfiction writing, I have the knowledge, proven experience, and flexibility to work successfully with many different genres, and I love the variety!
So whether you write fiction or nonfiction—novels (all genres), short stories, children’s stories, educational stories, self-help books, business books—I can support you from the start of your book-writing journey to the end of it.
How we can help
Our small business offers wide-ranging experience and expertise with a personal touch.
Accredited Editor (AE) 2008, MA Linguistics 1986, Dipl Journalism 1971
What people say
Thank you for a wonderful 6 months of Monday mornings to start my week. It will seem strange not having you on screen to inspire me for the week! I have thoroughly enjoyed our time. That sounds like 'Goodbye' but it's not, I can assure you. I wouldn't have completed the book had you not encouraged and supported me. Six months ago, I didn't have an ending to my manuscript, didn't know what direction I was taking with it. I was just stuck! Then I made the decision that my life had to change. We had returned from a half lap of Australia, property sitting 160 head of cattle. If it wasn't cattle I was caring for, it was grandchildren and I'm too old to raise the next generation! I felt like the cow that I saw stuck in the mud and it was you who lifted me from it, so a HUGE THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. Once I get my book published, we’re coming to the Gold Coast and shouting you to a long dinner!
Margaret Chappell
Margaret is a former nurse, corrective services officer, chef, patissier, professional writing graduate, and now soon-to-be published author. She completed her first novel of 100,000+ words.
Gail gave me a sense of security and achievement each week and her constructive criticism along the journey was highly valuable and well founded. Over the six months I have been able to complete my novel and write over 110,000 words! I have been so thrilled to have her on board and travel the journey with me. Gail has added so much to my novel with all her experience and expert advice.
Darren’s novel Isla's Song is published by Wilkinson Publishing (
Darren Mort
Darren Mort is a Barrister, Author, Producer, and Actor. He also heads a charity for children affected by family breakups. Darren completed The Book Writing Academy program and wrote & published his first novel 'Isla's Song'.
What I liked best about the program was that I found Gail to be warm, friendly and welcoming without judgement and I enjoyed connecting each week. This connection gave me a feeling of being supported in my writing journey. My takeaway is the feeling that my writing is important and that I need to be more accountable to my writing commitment. This was made much easier with Gail providing a presence that kept me to account. I felt as though someone actually cared. I had a real sense of achievement and pride when I had managed to write the 3,,000 words each week, which kept me engaged more. I write better when I have a sounding board to help me with my thoughts and getting these onto paper. To anyone thinking about writing their book with the support of a coach, I say, 'Just do it! Don’t overthink it. Fight the urge to self-sabotage and sink into the imposter syndrome that I did initially.' It was the best decision I made for myself.
Justine Inglis
Justine Inglis completed an ‘Appetiser’ program to kick-start her book. Justine's book is about her journey through life with the little-known condition PKU.
Gail has a distinct talent for transforming a disorganised jumble of words into coherent and engaging writing. Whether you are an aspiring writer or an established one, she instils confidence in you if you feel apprehensive about the writing process. With Gail on my side, I felt empowered to tackle my writing project and finally bring to life that book I’ve always dreamed of completing.
Stuart Milton
Stuart Milton completed an ‘Appetiser’ program to kick-start his novel-writing journey. He’s writing a crime thriller which is ... thrilling!
Working with Gail to write my book was the best decision I’ve ever made. Before working with Gail my head was full of the story but I kept drawing a frustrating blank. What I appreciated most about the program was Gail's innate ability to identify what I needed at any given stage. Some weeks I would be feeling hopeless but Gail would unhesitatingly unjumble my words and my thoughts, straightening them out in a logically transparent process for me to begin work again with vigour, renewed by all the encouragement and support to move forward.
Kay Livingstone
Kaye Livingstone, Owner/Operator vehicle workshop, completed her 95,000-word story to help other women in male-dominated workplaces.
They say every book needs a brilliant editor. You will find just such an editor in Gail Tagarro! I was truly blessed to discover Gail when seeking an Accredited Editor for my first book. With her warm personality, professional attitude, outstanding literacy skills, and extensive knowledge and experience in the publishing world, she is definitely a priceless jewel among editors.
Gail’s editorial skills are superb. She skilfully polished my manuscript to a clean finish. I would have been lost without her expert guidance. Gail makes it a top priority to help her clients tell the story they want to tell. I will be forever grateful to her for being an editor I can trust and for becoming a very good friend.
Her prices are affordable and she is prompt in her communication. If you’re in need of an honest, reliable, and professional editor, I highly recommend Gail. Trust me, she definitely deserves each of the 5 out of 5 stars I give her!
Sarah M.M. Turner
Sarah M. M. Turner published her YA fantasy fiction book 'Rhiannon McBride and the Dragon’s Cup' in 2022. The sequel is currently being edited.
I found Gail in 2013 during an Instagram search. I was an eager debut author with a completed first draft that, I soon found out, was in shambles! Gail, the sweetest person you would ever meet, told me in the kindest, yet brutally honest way, that we had a lot of work to do! Referring to Gail as 'just my editor doesn't do her justice. She is my editor, my mentor, and writing coach. And while we dissected an 80,000-word rough draft, we developed a bond that only she could make me focus and 'do the work' to put it back together again.
It was hard and extremely challenging, but her encouragement, industry knowledge, inspiring emails, and hilarious comments kept me going. Gail is no longer just my editor; she is a true friend (who I still contract to edit my work).
Bianca won the Best Book Award for African-American Fiction in 2017. She's the award-winning author of the sports romance series 'Sidelined'. Book One 'The Draft' was released in 2017 and won the USA Best Book Award and was a finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards. Book Two 'The Penalty' was released in 2018. Book Three 'The Contract' was released in 2020.
Gail has completed the edit of my two novels. Over the process of both books, she has made my novels read like a pro. She has challenged me as an aspiring author and has gotten involved in my novels, pointing out logic errors and where I need to improve. Every good story needs a good editor, but in Gail, you get a GREAT one. I would strongly recommend her services to anyone who is serious about their work.
First Adult:
The Death of Violence:
David Alomes
David Alomes is the former owner of his own accountancy business. He has published the first two books in his 'The Adult Trilogy'
Gail was the ultimate professional. I was nervous sending my manuscript over at first, but the work Gail did to bring my book 'The Art of Authentic Selling' to life was amazing. I spent lots of time searching and interviewing for the right editor, and I am incredibly grateful I was referred to Gail. Gail was prompt, affordable, and always available to talk via the phone or email when needed. Nothing was too much and her work was outstanding. I was so impressed, she also edited my daughter's fantasy tween fiction book as well. Thanks Gail, I HIGHLY recommend you!!
Adam Bude
Adam Bude is the owner of The Authentic Sales Training Academy.
Gail’s eBook Ten Ways to Supercharge Your Writing Skills is highly recommended for anyone who writes, beginners and established writers alike. The text is presented in an easy to understand way, offering invaluable advice to get you writing to the highest standard. If you are learning to be your best or just brushing up your skills, this book is a great way to do so. Well worth the purchase! Gail is highly recommended, professional, and efficient.
C.B. MacKenzie
C.B. MacKenzie wrote An Ancient Blade, Book One of the Sword of Kelturan series.
I was in the process of starting a small business and needed some help with writing a description for our products, I came across Gail. We spoke over the phone regarding what I needed and she was the nicest person to speak to and very professional. I have trouble with grammar, and usually feel intimated by people that can write beautifully, but I felt so comfortable speaking to Gail. I sent her all our descriptions for the products and she returned the finished product within the timeframe we had discussed. Her words and work were just beautiful, and it was exactly what I needed to convey on our website. I highly recommend Gail and I can guarantee anyone using this service will be extremely impressed. The cost was absolutely reasonable and worth every cent.
Vanessa Timothy
Vanessa Timothy needed guidance and support for the content on her website and products.
Nobody was more surprised than the author herself when she won the 2020 Psychological Thriller Category in the American Fiction Awards. Yet it is a well-deserved recognition of the talent of this first-time fiction author. The Psychs of Manhattan is a gripping tale that has readers on a knife-edge. Her thoroughly researched novel delves into […]
Lynda ‘lives and breathes’ accounting and is passionate about the industry that has shaped her career. She realised accountants needed to change the way they engage with clients so as not to run the risk of losing their relevancy. So Lynda created The Small Business Project, a three-phase program that incorporates Business Metamorphosis®, Leading Edge Businessâ„¢ […]
A book coach, writing coach, or book writing coach is a professional mentor and guide who supports you in writing your book from start to finish. I have extensive experience in the world of writing, including in publishing, as a published author myself, and as a professional editor.
How Can You Help Me Write My Book?
As a writer or a first-time aspiring writer, some of the ways I can help you include:
Inspiring and motivating
Teaching the craft of writing
Setting writing goals
Monitoring progress
Providing accountability
Providing feedback on writing
Providing a safe learning environment
Helping increase self-confidence and self-belief
Providing the right tools and resources at the right time.
Can I Write A Book If I've Never Written One Before?
Yes, you can! I've worked with hundreds of writers and helped them go from concept to published book. I relate to your challenges because I'm a writer myself. I'll guide and mentor you through writing your book, whatever the topic or genre, and whether it's fiction or nonfiction.
I Don't Have The Time To Write A Book
I will teach you a whole lot of tips to help you make the most of your time. I've worked with the busiest people in the country. With my support and the support of the program, they've learnt to manage their time & schedule regular writing sessions based on their lifestyle & commitments.
How Do I Know Where & How To Start Writing My Book?
This is one of the most common challenges facing aspiring authors. With my book coaching programs and mentorships, I guide you from start to finish with your book. In our very first session, I'll set you up with a solid framework so that you'll start writing your book straight away.
What If I Don't Know What To Write About?
I offer a brainstorming session to help you work this out. Generally, you'll have some idea about the book you want to write, you just need to bounce your ideas off a professional. By the end of our brainstorming session, you'll have a clear idea of what you want to write. Click on the Ask It Here box to the right of the FAQs if you'd like to enquire about a brainstorming session.
What Book Coaching Programs Do You Offer?
My signature book coaching program is the 6-month The Book Writing Academy. Why 6 months? Because with the support of a writing coach, it takes most people 6 months to write the first draft of their book. The Book Writing Academy combines one-to-one and group coaching, provides accountability, support, and mentoring, and a writing community to plug into. Writing can be a lonely business, and it's helpful to connect with writers taking the same journey you are. The investment is currently $10,500 incl gst and a payment plan is available.
I also offer individual one-to-one book coaching sessions of one hour each. The investment is $165+gst per session.
Do you prefer working on your own? I have two self-led programs to choose from.
1/ Get Your Book to the Finish Lineâ„¢ DIY
This program suits writers who want the flexibility of working at their own pace. It is a fully self-led, online program, designed to get you from zero to the first draft of your book. It comprises 12 modules of content, templates, and writing strategies. The investment is $997.
2/ The Writer's Starter Kit: Begin Your Book With A Bang!
This program is designed for writers who don’t know where to start. It is a short self-led online program that guides you through 7 modules, each leading to the next logical step. You'll then have the framework in place to write your whole book. The investment is $97.
What does Accredited Editor mean?
Accredited Editor (AE) is the professional editing qualification for Australian and NZ editors obtained through the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). The exam minimum pass rate is 80%, and AEs must formally reaccredit every 5 years through IPEd.
How Long Does It Take To Edit My Book?
It depends on the length of your book and the amount of work needed to bring it to publishing standard. Once we have seen your manuscript & done a complimentary sample edit, we email you the edited extract, the quotation, and the estimated schedule.
How Much Does It Cost To Edit My Book?
We provide quotations based on the word count and how much work is needed to bring an individual manuscript to publication standard. Please email us your manuscript and we will get back to you with a sample edit and a quotation.
Do You Have A Different Question?
If the question you have isn't covered in the Frequently Asked Questions, please click below.
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