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By committing to Get Your Book to the Finish Line™ DIY, you'll have a completed first draft of your book sooner than you could have thought possible.
Get your book to the finish line™ DIY
This program is suited to anyone looking for a self-led book writing program.
Business owners who want to write a book as leverage for their business.
Nonfiction writers of any genre.
Fiction writers.
Get Your Book To The Finish Line™ DIY is just the self-led course you need!
Who is this DIY Book writing program for?
Coaches, Consultants & Entrepreneurs
As a coach, consultant, business owner, or entrepreneur, you want to position yourself as an expert in your field, and your book is an integral part of your strategy.
Self-Help Authors
You're writing a book to share your knowledge and help others.
You're writing your memoir to leave a legacy for your family, or to communicate to a wider audience the knowledge and wisdom you've gained.
You are highly self-motivated and able to keep yourself accountable to get your book to the finish line.
Commit Time To Invest
You are prepared to make the necessary investment and time commitment to write your book.
Needing Accountability & Coaching
This is an entirely self-led program. If you need mentoring, coaching, a sounding board, regular reviews of your writing, and to be accountable to someone, The Book Writing Academy is most likely the coaching program for you.
Time Poor
You believe you don't have the time to write a book and you're not willing to create the time.
Not Committed
You're not ready to focus and do the work needed to get your book written.
Won't Invest
You're not prepared to invest in yourself to achieve the goal of writing your book.
Who is this DIY program not for?
No matter how many false starts you’ve had, THIS TIME, you can get your book to the finish line!
Starting Writing Your Book From Day 1!
Structure your book
Know your audience
Define your topic
Step by Step Progress
12-step program
Modules that progressively build on your learning
Weekly goals
Knowing How To Write & What To Write About
Define your topics
Unblocking Writer’s Block
My Five-Step System to Plan and Structure Your 10-Chapter Book in Just 30 Minutes
Download my FREE framework for your book: Click here Plan Your Book
12 weeks of module content, templates & writing strategies
At the end of 12 weeks - a quality product in your hands!
Your book will have QUALITY CONTENT because of the focus of the program on QUALITY. With your reputation at stake, the value of having a book that reads impeccably and looks attractive is incalculable.
You will receive access to my 'little black book' of reputable referral partners, invaluable once your book is completed. These include tried and tested book designers, eBook experts, audiobook production experts ... and more, to convert your book into the perfect package!
Gail is a Book Writing Coach and Accredited Editor. She has a degree in news journalism and a Master of Arts in Linguistics. She has a background in journalism, corporate business analysis, and documentation management. She has an extensive background working with writers in all genres, fiction and non-fiction.
Gail has written an historical novel and a nonfiction how-to book to help aspiring writers with writing know-how. She's currently working on a contemporary fiction novel.
Gail has been supporting aspiring writers since the early 2000s, helping them go from zero words on the page to completed, high-quality books ready for publishing.
Common Questions People Ask
Is your program restricted to any particular genre?
No. The program suits any genre, fiction and nonfiction. Novels, business books, self-help books, memoirs ...
What if I don't have the time?
You'll learn ways to fit writing into your busy lifestyle. But of course, to get your book to first draft, you'll need to set aside regular writing time.
What if I've never written a book before?
That's what this program aims to do: teach you the skills to write a book.
What's different about your book coaching program?
The price is one huge point of difference. People are paying upwards of $20,000 to other coaches for 'all-inclusive packages'
Quality is another. With my editorial background, rather than a sales background, I am all about the quality of content in your book
Access to my 'little black book' of reputable referral partners
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