The Book Writing Academy is a 6-month Start-to-Finish Book Writing Program
You have a story to tell or knowledge to share and you're committed to writing your book. But you've tried to on your own without success, or you simply know that you can't do it on your own. You need help planning your book. You need accountability to keep you on track. You need support and mentoring to guide you on your book-writing journey. You need to upskill your writing skills. You don't know what you don't know. You want your book to be polished and professional. Sound like you?
Over my many years in the book industry, I've worked with countless aspiring writers who've told me they’ve been trying to write a book for years. However, they’re hindered either by not knowing where to start, or if they do start, they fail repeatedly through a lack of accountability, or imposter syndrome stops them in their tracks.
- Gail Tagarro, the Book Writing Coach
The Book Writing Academy—the solution to your problems
1:1 coaching via Zoom
Writing Reviews
Weekly reviews. By the time you finish writing, you'll have a polished, quality book
Q&A Support
Weekly Q&A via Zoom
Optional Add-ons
Choose optional add-ons such as a professional edit once your book is completed
I’m a writer myself, and I’ve been helping writers with their books since the early 2000s. I know how common it is to get stuck before you even begin, or when you experience the dreaded writer's block, or when imposter syndrome tells you your writing isn't good enough.
Access to 'little black book' of referral partners when your book is ready for the next steps. Personally recommended tried, tested, valued professional contacts.
Customised module creation to address personal writing challenges, e.g., plot, characterisation, pace, etc. (fiction); how to best structure your nonfiction book for your target audience; ways to overcome writer's block and imposter syndrome ... whatever you need to develop as a writer, there's a resource available to you.
Who is the program for?
This program is designed for aspiring writers who want to start and finish their book. If any of the following resonates with you, The Book Writing Academy is for you.
You don't know how to start, or you're stuck early in your book and can't progress
You lack confidence in your writing skills and need support
You know you need regular, genuine, constructive feedback on your writing, and to be accountable to a professional
You suffer from 'imposter syndrome': Who would want to read my book? Who am I kidding!
You want your book to be the highest quality possible
You are ready to invest in yourself to get your book written and finished
Who is the program not for?
If this is you, then The Book Writing Academy won’t be right for you.
You're a successful writer who's already written multiple books
You’ve got the self-discipline and motivation of Tony Robbins
You're not willing to invest in yourself
You don't care about writing a quality book
You've never written a book before but you don't value the support of a professional writing coach
No, I don’t yet want this level of support, but I would still like assistance and direction.
Anna, like the majority of my book coaching clients. maintained a full-time job while writing her novel. Hear what she has to say in our video chat.
Gail gave me a sense of security and achievement each week and her constructive criticism along the journey was highly valuable and well founded. Over the six months I have been able to complete my novel and write over 110,000 words! I have been so thrilled to have her on board and travel the journey with me. Gail has added so much to my novel with all her experience and expert advice.
Darren’s novel Isla's Song is published by Wilkinson Publishing (
Darren Mort: Barrister, Author, Producer, Actor
Darren completed The Book Writing Academy program and wrote & published his first novel
Thank you for a wonderful 6 months of Monday mornings to start my week. It will seem strange this coming Monday when I don't have you on screen to inspire me for the week. I have thoroughly enjoyed our time. That sounds like 'Goodbye' but it's not, I can assure you. I wouldn't have completed the book had you not encouraged and supported me. Six months ago, I didn't have an ending to my manuscript, didn't know what direction I was taking with it. I was just stuck! We had returned from a half lap of Australia, property sitting 160 head of cattle, when I made the decision that my life had to change. If it wasn't cattle I was caring for, it was grandchildren and I'm too old to raise the next generation! I felt like the cow that I saw stuck in the mud and it was you who lifted me from it, so a HUGE THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. Once I get my book published, we’re coming to the Gold Coast and shouting you to a long dinner!
Margaret Chappell
Marg is a multi-talented former nurse, corrective services officer, chef, patissier, professional writing graduate, now retired. She completed her first novel of over 100,000 words!
Working with Gail to write my book was the best decision I’ve ever made. Before working with Gail my head was full of the story but I kept drawing a frustrating blank. What I appreciated most about the program was Gail's innate ability to identify what I needed at any given stage. Some weeks I would be feeling hopeless but Gail would unhesitatingly unjumble my words and my thoughts, straightening them out in a logically transparent process for me to begin work again with vigour, renewed by all the encouragement and support to move forward.
Kay Livingstone
Kaye Livingstone, Owner/Operator vehicle workshop, completed her 95,000-word story to help other women in male-dominated workplaces.
What I liked best about the Appetiser program was that I found Gail to be warm, friendly and welcoming without judgement and I enjoyed connecting each week. This connection gave me a feeling of being supported in my writing journey. My takeaway is the feeling that my writing is important and that I need to be more accountable to my writing commitment. This was made much easier with Gail providing a presence that kept me to account. I felt as though someone actually cared. I had a real sense of achievement and pride when I had managed to write the 3,,000 words each week, which kept me engaged more. I write better when I have a sounding board to help me with my thoughts and getting these onto paper. To anyone thinking about writing their book with the support of a coach, I say, 'Just do it! Don’t overthink it. Fight the urge to self-sabotage and sink into the imposter syndrome that I did initially.' It was the best decision I made for myself.
Justine Inglis
Justine Inglis completed a 4-week ‘Appetiser’ program to kick-start the writing of her book about her journey through life with the little-known condition PKU.
Gail has a distinct talent for transforming a disorganised jumble of words into coherent and engaging writing. Whether you are an aspiring writer or an established one, she instils confidence in you if you feel apprehensive about the writing process. With Gail on my side, I felt empowered to tackle my writing project and finally bring to life that book I’ve always dreamed of completing.
Stuart Milton
Stuart Milton completed a 4-week ‘Appetiser’ program to kick-start his novel-writing journey. He’s writing a crime thriller which is ... thrilling!
I cannot believe how much writing my story has helped me deal with and heal my past. This is massive!
It helps me every day as I use the past to influence my present. Thank you for being such a perfect coach, giving me a hard time when I need it, and steering me in the right direction all the time.
Thank you so much, Gail!
Dale L.
Dale wrote his first novel and through his writing journey, he gained self-confidence and found the writing helpful in processing childhood trauma
6 months of weekly coaching sessions
My eyes over your writing
On-demand module creation for writing challenges
Tools, resources, templates & strategies
The Writer's Starter Kit You Didn't Know You Needed
This start-to-finish book writing program includes six months of coaching which is a combination of 1:1 and group, weekly writing targets for accountability, and weekly writing reviews. You are given a framework to begin writing your book on day one and are guided through to your completed book.
How long will it take me to get through this program?
This is a 6-month coaching program. If you attend all sessions, this is the time it will take you to complete the program.
How do I apply?
Just fill in the sign-up form by clicking on the button below. This will take you to a page where you will answer a few questions—to ensure we’re both on the same page, that we’re going to be a good fit. You'll then be able to book a call with me to make sure we're going to be a good fit.
Do you give refunds?
Only under extenuating circumstances.
I have a question
Perfect! Just email me and I'll get back to you asap.
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