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Ten Ways to Super-Charge Your Writing Skills: with bonus chapter on Self-Publishing
This book contains ten chapters of simply explained writing techniques and tips that will help you super-charge your writing!
The eleventh chapter is a bonus chapter on Self-Publishing, answering all your questions about how to self-publish your book.
Other chapters include how to handle writing techniques like pacing, head-hopping and narrative arc, ways to improve your grammar and vocabulary, and suggestions for getting 'unstuck' in your writing.
Take advantage of this super-deal for the first month of its release at only $11.95. Get your copy now and start super-charging your writing!
Everything You Need to Know About How to Self-Publish Your Book
This booklet is the same as the bonus chapter in my book Ten Ways to Super-Charge Your Writing Skills.
If you only want to learn about Self-Publishing, then you can just download this booklet.
Take advantage of this super-deal at only $11.95. Get your copy now and start super-charging your writing!
Read The Writing Coach's short stories below
Gail Tagarro Author would like to share with you three short stories she wrote several years ago. They are free downloads, so please enjoy!
Painful Amore
Painful Amore is a short story aimed at both children and adults. It is the result of a creative writing exercise I did with a writers’ group I belonged to at the time. We went around the group and each of us contributed two random words which we had to incorporate in a short story. We wrote the story during the group meeting, read our stories out to one another during the meeting, and then polished the stories later in our own time.
It was an interesting exercise to have to use seemingly unrelated words in a short piece of writing. I found the process very useful, as it unlocked the creative side of my brain and allowed me to ‘just write’ without thinking too much.
It’s a few years ago now, so I only remember three of the words the group bandied around: amore, glint and painful.
Painful Amore was read out by Chas Eales on Radio 91.3 FM in 2003.
This is another short story for children. When our daughter was just seven, she had a friend in her class called Tom. We became friends with his family.
Tom got sick and had to take a few days off school. He complained he was bored, so I wrote this story to entertain him.
The Shed is another story that was the result of a writing exercise with a writers’ group.
We had to write about something from our childhood. It didn’t take long for the image of our old family shed to pop into my mind, and the story grew from there.
These stories are the tip of my writing iceberg. Gail Tagarro Author will be sharing more stories for download at very reasonable prices in the coming months.
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