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I found Gail through a search for professional editors and was immediately sent to her website. As The Eden Tree is my debut novel, and having found a publisher, I was very pleased to find Gail. Letting another person look at and comment about my writing was a step of faith, but I found Gail’s […]
I’m very, very happy with the edit. The improvement is awesome and the writing flows much better. This is my first time using an editing service and it has been an excellent experience. I’m blown away at how much my book has been improved! – Kris Walters, The War on Smoking: A no B.S. approach
Gail of has guided me over the past year with four completely different projects, showing her exceptional talent as an editor and mentor and adapting to the different genres. Gail’s first project with me was editing my first book, Belongings, then subsequently assisting with a book outline and submission for Hay House Publishing, after
I am delighted to write this testimonial because Gail is a professional to her fingertips with an excellent command of English, rhetoric and grammar. Not only did she read my doctoral dissertation for errors and glitches, but she was gratifyingly sensitive to its nineteenth-century literary context. Gail is utterly client-focused and dedicated to the project.
Boy! Am I lucky! I approached Gail at to see if she would edit my manuscript. It’s a big step, and being a virgin at this writing business, I was scared and lacked confidence in my ability. Of course family and friends read my story with glowing reports. They are not trained editors, just
Thank you Gail at for all the wonderful work you have done on my manuscript Unravelled. I have absolutely loved the experience. All your feedback has been so positive and affirming and I have learnt a lot during the process. Your support of me as a new writer was really appreciated as were all
I commissioned Gail from to copyedit and proofread my manuscript Holistic Medicine. Gail was very thorough and picked up many errors. It was absolutely worthwhile to have a professional do the job. I would recommend to help with your manuscript.—Dr Carol Head, Holistic Medicine: Beyond the Physical (non-fiction)
I wish I were a writer and an editor, but I’m just a writer and for that reason I use Gail Tagarro’s skills. (Let’s see, I wonder what is wrong with that sentence?) She raises questions about the things I need to consider changing and allows me to accept or reject her changes (I never have to
I am a first-time author of the book Abacus, a crime thriller. Before approaching Gail at, I had previously had my book edited elsewhere with a very poor result. Because of this disappointing experience, I looked for another editor and found Gail at Gail worked to a tight time schedule to have Abacus ready
Gail at has an innate ability to take my raw words and put them into a form that is digestible for the reader. She is a wonderful editor and I will be working with Gail again in the future. Shivani Gupta, Tough Love for Leaders (non-fiction, self-help)
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